Accurate, Consistent Measurements: Electronic Fruit Sizer & Data Logger

Accurate, Consistent Measurements: Electronic Fruit Sizer & Data Logger

23rd Mar 2021

Fruit size is among the most important quality indicators when analyzing fruit from harvest to consumption. A necessary tool that has been around for decades, the fruit sizer, is used by fresh produce growers, researchers, quality assurance specialists, and dealers. This standard tool has one large flaw: human error.

Traditional Produce Gauge

When using a standard produce measuring gauge, the individual measuring the fruit manually tightens the circular mechanism around the fruit and records the findings. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that individual will tighten the instrument exactly the same each time or that the tightness won’t vary from one person to the next. To solve this problem and provide accurate, exact measurements of fruit size, Fresh Produce Instruments offers the Electronic Fruit Sizer & Data Logger.

Measuring fruit no longer has to be a rough measurement, with this instrument it can be a precise measurement with a digital output consistent with each use. The hand-held device measures the full diameter of fruit on the tree, readings are captured on the data logger, and results are then transferred to a PC. Extensive data this device analyses growth and size distribution curves per orchard or variety. This data can then be used to compare different orchards or orchard history – saving you time and labor!

Electronic Fruit Sizer & Data Logger

A measuring range of 12 - 100 mm diameter allows for growers to test a variety of fruit. Data can seamlessly be transferred to a PC after a full work day with storage of up to 12,000 fruit sizes. Additionally, the information provided from the Electronic Fruit Sizer & Data Logger helps determine the percentage of small fruit still left on the tree for growers. This knowledge will enhance the entire growing operation by more accurately determining when produce should be harvested, average size to expect, and future growth comparisons.